Total Number of Electors
(If "Independent" this should be stated.)
I of hereby certify on behalf of Mr (whose duly authorised election agent I am) that
Party Candidate
| Independent Candidate
| |
Cwts. | Cwts. | |
Electorate not exceeding 40,000 | 20 | 25 |
For every additional 10,000 or part thereof | 5 | 6¼ |
( d) the paper will be used solely in his candidature and will not be transferred to any other candidate or use.
Signed Election Agent for the above named Candidate.
Notes.—1. This certificate when completed should be submitted by the Election Agent, either directly or through his printer or stationer, to the supplying merchant who should attach it to his Paper Control licence application form when replacement of the paper supplied is sought.
2. A separate certificate should be completed in respect of each different supplier (whether merchant or printer or stationer) but the total quantity covered by all the certificates must not exceed the amount of the candidate's quota less any paper acquired without a certificate.