asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury how many officers and men of the various Allied Nations are still in the United Kingdom; what is the cost of accommodation, rations, etc.; and whether such sums will, in due course of time, be refunded to the taxpayer.
As the numbers of Allied officers and men are decreasing rapidly, precise figures of strengths and of the costs to United Kingdom funds at a particular date are not easily ascertainable. It may be taken, however, that at a current date the numbers would be somewhat over 200,000, of which about one-half would be U.S. Forces. The expenditure falling on United Kingdom funds in respect of these Forces would be of the order of £2,500,000 per month.In reply to the third part of the Question, the arrangements with the different Governments vary, but it may be said that in regard to the major part of this expenditure mutual aid has ceased to operate, and in such cases the expenditure will fall to be recovered from the Allied Government concerned under arrangements made or to be made.