asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that men discharged from the Army before October, 1944, are not entitled to civilian clothing outfits; and whether, if it is still impossible to make the qualifications for these outfits retrospective, some arrangement can be made to issue those concerned with the necessary coupons to enable them to buy civilian clothes.
Men discharged from the Army before 16th October, 1944, received a suit, cap, collar and tie, which was the scale appropriate to that time. An optional cash grant in lieu, representing the wholesale value of the outfit, was offered. Coupons were obtainable under normal civilian arrangements, that is, through His Majesty's Customs and Excise, to enable the discharged soldier to raise his wardrobe to the civilian level. In the circumstances, and in view of the practical difficulties involved, I regret that I cannot agree to make the issue of the present scale of civilian clothing retrospective.
asked the Secretary of State for War if he has yet had an opportunity of reconsidering the question of the free issue of clothing to officers whose terminal or notice leave commenced before 8th May, 1945; and whether he can agree to any concession.
Yes, Sir. It has been agreed to make certain concessions to temporary officers of all three Services (men and women) who came off Service pay on or after 16th October, 1944. Particulars will be announced at an early date.
asked the Secretary of State for War whether he has inquired into the case of a Staff Sergeant in the Royal Engineers, particulars of which have already been sent to him, who was demobilised in mid-July and has not so far received any civilian clothing, due to the fact that he is outsize; and what steps he is taking to remedy this state of affairs.
I agree that there was some delay by the contractors concerned in this case, but all the garments should by now have been delivered. The normal period for delivery of special measurement garments is four weeks.
asked the Secretary of State for War if he will make a further issue of clothing to those Servicemen demobilised in the general scheme, in view of the difference in value between their issue and the present issue.
I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply given to-day to the hon. Member for Southend-on-Sea (Mr. Channon).