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New Fishing Boats (Licences)

Volume 414: debated on Wednesday 17 October 1945

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asked the First Lord of the Admiralty why, in view of the fact that the necessary increase in our fishing fleets is prevented by the undue priority given to orders to increase foreign fishing fleets, licences to build fishing-boats in our yards were recently granted for 10 French and 31 Icelandic boats in priority to 12 boats for the Whole of Great Britain.

The suggestion that undue priority is given to orders to increase foreign fishing fleets is without foundation. British fishing interests—whether firms or private individuals—should have no difficulty in placing orders for new boats with the prospect of reasonably early delivery. The number of licences issued for the construction in the United Kingdom of new fishing boats for British owners during the last 12 months was 97 as compared with 19 for foreign owners.

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many licences have been granted to build boats for the North-East coast fishing fleets during the last 12 months and since the end of the war, respectively; how many of those boats are for the North-East of Scotland; how many for England and how many for foreign fishing fleets; and what are the actual figures of licences granted during those periods to build boats for foreign and for home fishing fleets, respectively.

The answer to this Question can most conveniently be given in tabular form:

Period 1.10.44 to 30.9.45.Period 15.8.45 to 30.9.45.
British Owners—
N.E. Coast of England71
N.E. Coast of Scotland115
Other owners in England6620
Northern Ireland132
Foreign Owners194
These figures cover all kinds of craft which were stated to be required for fishing purposes when application was made for the licences to construct.