T124x Personnel
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether consideration has yet been given to the status of T.124X personnel; and if he can make a statement.
T.124X personnel are naval auxiliary members of the Armed Forces of the Crown. Their rates of pay and conditions of service are based on those of the Merchant Navy. T.124X ratings receive the basic rate of pay of their rank as laid down by the National Maritime Board; they also receive a consolidated rate of overtime and, when at sea, war risk money. T.124X personnel are being released in order of age and service group at a rate corresponding to that of General Service Naval personnel engaged on equivalent duties. On release T.124X personnel are eligible for 56 days' resettlement leave and a free issue of civilian clothing.
Does the right hon. Gentleman realise that their pension rights are fundamentally different, so that, for instance, a man suffering from tuberculosis, if he is T.124X, does not get a pension in circumstances where, if he were ordinary naval personnel, he would get the pension?
The answer to that is that they were paid ordinary civil rates with overtime, and are paid ordinary rates of compensation.
Post-War Strength And Conditions
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he can now inform the House of his Ministry's proposals as to the size and conditions of service, etc., of the post-war Navy.
These matters are under active consideration but I am not yet in a position to make a statement.
Can the right hon. Gentleman give a general indicationas to when he thinks he will be able to make this announcement?
Obviously such a matter is connected with high policy for all the Services. I really could not make a definite promise.
Is it not about time that the State, which should be a model employer, should announce what are to be the conditions of service in all three Services?
The conditions of service must depend to a very large extent upon what Parliament finally votes as being the post-war strength.
Clerical Workers (Release)
asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is satisfied that the general principles of release of civil servants from the forces, as prescribed in Treasury Circular 13/45, issued on 21st June, 1945, have been applied in the case of the release from the R.N. of clerical workers belonging to the Admiralty's Civil Service staffs; in what demobilisation category these individuals were placed; whether the Treasury sponsored these applications; and whether they were referred to Lord Rennet's Committee in accordance with paragraph 2 (h) of the Treasury circular.
I would refer the hon. Member to the reply I gave on Wednesday last to the hon. and gallant Member for Waterloo (Captain Bullock).
Do I understand that I have been anticipated on this question?