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Books And Catalogues (Export)

Volume 414: debated on Monday 22 October 1945

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asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department whether publishers anxious to export British books to Singapore are allowed to do so.

No, Sir. I am informed that the urgent military demands upon transport, handling and port facilities are so great that space for books cannot be made available at the present juncture. I am, however, exploring the possibility of an early resumption of such exports in consultation with the Departments concerned.

asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department what steps he is taking to secure that the quantity of paper allocated to his Department for the purpose of enabling export firms to issue catalogues for export purposes is sufficient fully to meet the needs of exporters.

Increased allocations of paper have been granted to enable export firms to prepare their catalogues for distribution overseas. The quantities made available are now proving sufficient to meet all requests submitted to my Department. I am assured that should the demand increase, my request for further supplies will receive full consideration. I am anxious that exporting firms should proceed to inform their oversea clients of the goods which they can offer.