asked the Secretary of State for War what is the ascertained average total cost per week, including pay, allowances, accommodation, messing, clothing, medical treatment and administrative overheads, involved in the employment of a lance-corporal A.T.S., with three years' service, on clerical duties in his Department; and what is the average number of hours spent per week on clerical duties.
On the assumption that the lance-corporal, A.T.S., is not in receipt of dependant's allowance, is housed in Army accommodation and fed under normal Army arrangements, a very rough figure for the current weekly cost for a lance-corporal, A.T.S., with three years' service employed on clerical duties on the headquarters establishment of the War Office may be taken as about £3 7s. The average number of hours per week spent on clerical duties, excluding lunch time, is 44 in the War Office and 45 in War Department out-stations.
asked the Secretary of State for War the total weekly cost, including pay, allowances, accommodation, messing, clothing, medical treatment and administrative overheads, involved in the employment on clerical duties in his Department of a warrant officer, Class I, R.A.P.C. or R.A.O.C., with three years' service.
On the assumption that the warrant officers concerned are unmarried and are neither accommodated nor fed under normal Army arrangements, a very rough figure for the current weekly cost of a warrant officer, R.A.P.C. or R.A.O.C. with three years' service employed on clerical duties on the War Office headquarters establishment may be taken as about £8 16s.