asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he is aware of the difficulties caused by the inability to provide traders engaged in the export trade with the times of ordinary overseas mails and air-mails at post offices; and if he will arrange for these times to be posted in the main post offices and advertised in the Press, as was customary in pre-war days.
Owing to the continued irregularity of steamer sailings, mail despatches have in general to be arranged at short notice and are subject to subsequent alteration or cancellation. In the case of air mails, as I stated in answer to a Question by the hon. Member for Aylesbury (Sir S. Reed) on 11th October, the aircraft employed are primarily engaged in work other than the carriage of mail, air mails being carried within the limits of the aircraft capacity available after military requirements have been met. I regret, therefore, that it would not be possible at present to fix definite posting times either for surface or air mail correspondence.