asked the Minister of Education if her attention has been drawn to the long delay in obtaining sanction to complete the Penketh and Sankey modern school, Lancashire County, which was released from occupation by the N.F.S. early in 1945; to the refusal of permission to allow the gymnasium to be included in the restoration work permitted at this stage; and whether she will now agree to the whole school being completed and made ready for occupation by the earliest possible date.
Proposals to complete this building were originally submitted in March, and in view of the severe restrictions on building work were returned to the local education authority for revision. Revised proposals were subsequently submitted and considered by my Department in the light of paragraph 4 of Circular 48, of which I am sending my hon. Friend a copy, and the local education authority were informed last month of my approval in principle. Plans, specifications and other particulars are now awaited and the matter will be dealt with expeditiously when these are received. In view of the shortage of timber the local education authority have agreed that the completion of the gymnasium is impracticable at present.