asked the Minister of Education whether she will announce the names of the British delegation to the United Nations Education Conference to be held in London this week.
The names of the British delegation to the United Nations Conference for the Establishment of an Educational and Cultural Organisation, which were announced in the Press yesterday, are as follows:Delegate—Miss Ellen Wilkinson, Minister of Education.Alternative Delegates—Mr. Hall Thompson, Minister of Education for Northern Ireland;Mr. Tom Fraser, Under-Secretary of State for Scotland;Mr. A. Creech Jones, Under-Secretary of State for Colonies.Advisers—Dr. E. F. Armstrong, F.R.S.;Miss Theodora Bosanquet;Mr. G. G. Fitzmaurice (Foreign Office);Sir Frederick Mander;Miss Nancy Parkinson (British Council);Sir Robert Wood andMr. W. R. Richardson (Ministry of Education).Technical Assistant—Mr. F. R. Cowell (Foreign Office).Secretary—Mr. F. H. Vivian (Ministry of Education).