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Amateur Radio Transmission Sets

Volume 415: debated on Thursday 1 November 1945

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asked the Assistant Postmaster-General if he is now able to return the radio transmitters taken from amateur operators at the beginning of the war for security reasons.

asked the Assistant Postmaster-General when he proposes to issue licences for amateur radio transmission; and when, and under what conditions, he proposes to return transmission sets and instruments to the 60,000 owners who surrendered them in 1939.

It is intended to begin returning amateur wireless transmitting equipment in about a fortnight's time; this will, however, involve a considerable amount of work and may take some weeks. The military authorities hope to be able to release within the next two or three weeks a limited number of frequencies for amateur working; the conditions under which these sets may be operated is under consideration and licences will be issued as soon as possible after frequencies have been released.