asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he will give a complete list of the properties and houses held or occupied by his Department in the Maidstone Parliamentary division; and can he give the approximate date when these will be derequisitioned.
The following is a list of the premises held on requisition by the Admiralty in the Parliamentary division of Maidstone:Ground Floor (showrooms), Granada House, Maidstone.Sandling Place (private house) and outbuildings, Maidstone.Premises of Messrs. Len, Ltd., 113, Water Lane, Maidstone.Part of Aylesford Pottery Works, Larkfield.Aylesford Paper Mills, Larkfield.Part of Manor Works, Hailing.Part of Aylesford Paper Mills is being released forthwith, but I regret that I am not in a position to say when the remaining properties will be released.