asked the Secretary to the Overseas Trade Department what steps he is taking to associate the trade unions with his plans for developing overseas trade.
I have appointed Messrs. E. W. Bussey, of the Electrical Trades Union, Alfred Roberts, of the Amalgamated Association of Card Blowing and Ring Room Operatives, and Jack Tanner, of the Amalgamated Engineering Union, as members of the Overseas Trade Development Council. I have also appointed Mr. Luke Fawcett, O.B.E., of the Amalgamated Union of Building Trade Workers, as a member of the Exhibitions Policy Committee as announced in my answer to a Question put by the hon. Member for Marylebone (Sir W. Wakefield) on Thursday, 25th October. These appointments were made after consultation with the Trades Union Congress. I am assured of the assistance of the T.U.C. in a similar way when any other advisory bodies are appointed. I hope to obtain the advice of the gentlemen so appointed upon future and fuller contacts with the trade unions about the development of overseas trade.