asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he will make a statement in regard to the present position at the Ford Motor Company's Barton factories; and what are the future plans in regard to these factories in view of the distress that is being caused by redundancy of labour and the uncertainty of their future activities.
It is intended that all three of the Government factories occupied by the Ford Motor Company in this area shall continue to be used for production. The main factory at Eccles has been allocated to Messrs. Platt Brothers for the production of textile machinery. Details of the allocation of theremaining two will be announced in the near future.
Is my right hon. and learned Friend aware that this factory was allocated to Platt Brothers many months ago and that they have received no security of tenure, as a result of which orders for plant for the production of textile machinery have been held up, and some 2,000 people have been discharged as redundant? Will my right hon. and learned Friend take steps to ensure that Platt Brothers receive security of tenure almost immediately so that they can place orders for their plant, and thus avoid unnecessary unemployment?
The factory has been allocated to Platt Brothers and they are aware what the position is.