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Factory Space, Scotland

Volume 415: debated on Monday 5 November 1945

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asked the President of the Board of Trade the amount of factory space available for new enterprises in Scotland on existing industrial sites; the number of applications that have been received for the establishment of new enterprises; the space involved in these applications; and the types of industry concerned.

The area of existing Government factories in Scotland which have so far become available for allocation to industry is approximately 2,000,000 square feet. Of this area just over 1,000,000 square feet have already been allocated. These figures exclude those Government factories which it is proposed to operate as Government undertakings engaged on civilian production. One hundred and sixty-six firms have made inquiries for factories in Scotland involving a total of just under 6,000,000 square feet of factor space. Thirteen of these firms have already been accommodated in existing Government buildings. Building licences have been granted on behalf of 67 firms involving a factory area of just under 2,000,000 square feet. Active discussions are still proceeding with some of the remaining firms in an endeavour to settle them in Scotland.The applications received cover a wide range of industries:

Furniture and Woodworking13
Light Engineering (including motor vehicles and aero parts, bicycles and prams)12
Machinery and Plant12
Food and Drink11
Textile Goods10
Radio and Electrical8
Heavy Industries (steel, iron and chemical)8
Housing Fitments and Accessories (including cookers and refrigerators)7
Prefabricated Units4