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Yugoslavia (Members Of Parliament, Visit)

Volume 415: debated on Monday 5 November 1945

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asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what steps he is taking to send observers to Yugoslavia to report on the coming elections; if he is in a position to give their names; and if he will consider giving facilities to Members of this House to visit Yugoslavia for that purpose..

His Majesty's Government are sending no observers to report on the elections, but they will be kept fully informed by His Majesty's Ambassador.

Can I take it, therefore, that the group of Members of Parliament who have just gone to Yugoslavia are in no way going as representatives of this House of Commons?

It is correct to make the assumption that the hon. Gentlemen who have proceeded there are not a Parliamentary delegation.

Surely, some arrangement must have been come to with the Foreign Office whereby these gentlemen have been sent out to Yugoslavia? Would not the Foreign Office make arrangements for their visit?

Neither the Foreign Office nor His Majesty's Government would seek to be their brothers' keepers. [HON. MEMBERS: "Oh."] These hon. Gentlemen proceeded at the invitation of the Yugoslav Government.