asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he is aware that the m.v. "Aorangi" with a crew of approximately 320 merchant seamen, is being used as a floating hotel at Hong Kong; that other merchant ships have been lying in the harbour there for weeks, with little cargo in their holds; and whether, in view of the shortage of shipping, the m.v. "Aorangi" and the other ships mentioned will be put to better use.
The "Aorangi" is being used as an accommodation ship pending the rehabilitation of sufficient accommodation on shore. The Commander-in-Chief, British Pacific Fleet, has been instructed to release her as soon as possible. I assume that the other vessels referred to are part of the Pacific Fleet Train. This organisation was essential to the support of the Fleet in the forward areas in the operations against Japan, and part of it will still be required to support our Naval Occupation Forces. Merchant Vessels requisitioned for this Fleet Train are being released from Naval service as rapidly as operational requirements permit.