asked the President of the Board of Trade what percentage of rubber tyres, suitable for use on agricultural tractors, are allocated for use on newly-manufactured vehicles and as replacements on existing vehicles.
Of the tractor tyres manufactured in 1946, 49 per cent. were allocated for use on newly-manufactured vehicles and 47 per cent. for home replacement needs.
asked the President of the Board of Trade what percentage of tractors, suitable for agricultural use, and of rubber tyres appropriate to those tractors are allocated for export and for home consumption, respectively.
As a result of arrangements that have just been made to meet present emergency conditions in this country, exports of agricultural farm tractors during the next few weeks will not exceed 15 per cent. of output as compared with about 33⅓ per cent. previously. The tyres for these tractors will be drawn from the allocation made to new equipment which represents about 50 per cent. of total production of tyres for agricultural tractors.