asked the Minister of Works what is the present size of the Mobile Land Force under the directorate of that name in his Department; what is the type and extent of the work already completed; and why it is now proposed to double the size of the directorate.
At 1st April, 1947, there were 4,111 operatives employed in the Mobile Labour Force (exclusive of local British labour, Belgians and prisoners of war). The work actually completed by the Mobile Labour Force since 25th June, 1946, includes war damage repairs to 365 houses and one block of flats; the complete rebuilding of 77 permanent houses; site preparation for, and erection of, 1,122 temporary houses, 18 Airey houses and 6o Howard houses; site preparation and bases for 200 further houses; the conversion of existing buildings to Teachers' Training Colleges at six towns and the debricking of Government buildings, schools and hospitals. All this work was carried out in areas where sufficient local labour was not available. In addition, a large amount of work is at present in various stages of construction. At 1st April, 1947, the Directorate, whose size is governed by the labour force required to be supervised, numbered 363. Provision has been made for an increase of 178 in 1947–48 to meet the extended operations which the Force will be called upon to undertake.