asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that butchers are being compelled to draw on forward allocations of meat to an ever increasing extent to meet current ration requirements; that this process may eventually lead to the closing of butcher's shops for a week with consequent hardship to consumers; and if he will take steps to increase the supply of meat to retail butchers.
A butcher, if for any reason he finds he cannot meet the ration, should tell his deputy meat agent, a practical butcher, who can make arrangements to tide him over his difficulties. Present allocations cannot be increased until supplies improve. Any consumer who cannot obtain her ration from her butcher should apply to the local food office to change her registration.
asked the Minister of Food whether his attention has been drawn to the declaration by Glasgow and District Retail Fleshers' Defence Association that their members are unable to meet the ration from the amount of meat now allocated to them; and if he will make a statement on the position.
asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that the Glasgow and District Retail Fleshers are unable to honour the meat ration from the allocation at present made to them; and what steps he proposes to take to meet this situation.
I have received a copy of a resolution passed by a meeting of the Glasgow and District Retail Fleshers' Defence Association. The allocations to the Glasgow butchers are on the same basis as to butchers in other areas, and I am satisfied are sufficient to enable the trade to cut the full ration and still to make some sausages. It is, of course, my intention to increase allocations as soon as the supply position permits.