asked the Prime Minister if he will give details of the proposed campaign to be held throughout the country to arouse a greater realisation of the present economic position, with a view to securing maximum effort on the part of all.
The publicity campaign to bring home to everyone the main facts of the nation's economic position was launched by my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade last week when the first posters were displayed. The display will have reached full strength by the end of the month. Nation-wide Press advertising began on Sunday, 20th April.The main details of the campaign are:
1. Publications:
The "Battle for Output" (the bookstall edition of the Economic Survey White Paper) has been available on the bookstalls since 5th March. With the title "We Live by Exports," a booklet of very simple text and diagrams explaining those parts of the Economic Survey which deal with Britain's Overseas trade will be published in May or early June.
2. Posters:
These will be displayed on 13,000 sites throughout the country, and will be sent to over 90,000 factories and places of work.
3. Press Advertising:
This started on Sunday last, 20th April, and covers the entire country. Advertisements will appear at weekly intervals at the start of the campaign and then fortnightly.
4. Factory Talks:
Over 2,000 have been booked for the period 10th April-12th July.
5. Display Sets:
These travelling sets of display cards go on 3,000–3,500 sites throughout the country. Factories account for a large part of them.
6. Wall Charts:
These are designed for use by discussion groups, in libraries, etc.
7. Films:
Some 30–35 films dealing with various aspects of the economic situation are in preparation, of which the first are nearly ready. Coal and exports will be the first subjects covered.
8. Target Material:
This consists of simple picture charts showing the national targets for exports and coal, and the nation's progress in reaching them. They are designed for reproduction.
9. Exhibitions:
A major exhibition on coal is planned to open in London in the autumn.
The aim of this publicity is not to exhort but to explain simply the national needs so that everyone will do their best to meet them. I hope that Members of all parties will find it possible to assist in this task in their speeches and in their other contacts with the public.