asked the Minister of Fuel and Power how many motor fuel ration books for the six months period, September, 1947, to February, 1948, will be printed; when printing is expected to start; what the total cost is expected to be; and whether the coupons will have the correct period of validity shown on them.
The number of motor fuel basic ration books required for the six months period, September, 1947, to February, 1948, is 3,760,000. Printing has already started and the estimated total cost is £10,000. Each coupon will be expressed to be valid for a particular calendar month, but there is a statutory order under which motor fuel may be supplied against each such coupon not only at any time during the month for which it is expressed to be valid, but also at any time during the next ensuing month.
Is there, therefore, to be no relief of petrol rationing in the near future?
I have stated over and over again the reasons why petrol rationing must remain in force.
Why not exploit Middle East supplies?
For reasons which I have stated over and over again.
Is the Minister aware that this petrol rationing is a complete farce, and that there is not even a black market price for coupons?
If the hon. and gallant Member has all this information in his possession, and it is accurate, he might be good enough to give it to me.