asked the Prime- Minister whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that there are a number of Government officials and serving officers abroad who are indulging in anti-British propaganda based on their dislike of His Majesty's Government; and whether, where there is evidence of disloyal behaviour, he will cancel their present overseas appointments.
I have no knowledge of any such cases. If the hon. Member has any instances in mind which in his view call for action, no doubt he will let me have particulars.
May I ask the Prime Minister whether he happens to have read a factual article which appeared in last Sunday's "Observer," and will he not agree that it is much better to have these "Dismal Jimmies" and "Wailing Winnies" in this country than to allow them to carry on this mischief overseas?
I have read that article. I do not know exactly what is meant by the word "factual". I often find statements in newspapers which appear to be facts, but which, from my own knowledge, I cannot accept.