asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) what additional allocations of paper have been made to the six principal football pool organisations to meet their additional consumption following the extension of the present football season; and if he will state the consequent variation that has been made in the undertaking given to his Department by such firms not to exceed 2½ per cent. of their prewar paper consumption:(2) if he will publish a list of the football pool firms and football pool forecasting agencies who obtain their paper supplies under licence; the paper consumption permitted under each individual licence, with the corresponding estimated paper consumption figures of these firms for the football season 1938–39;(3) what action he proposes to take to restrict or prevent the purchase of paper by football pool firms and football pool forecasting agencies from printers' and merchants' stocks, the supply of which is not subject to licence.
Paper has been licensed for the current period (March to June) on the basis of 2¼ per cent. of prewar consumption. This is a reduction on the amount previously licensed to take account of the increased shortage of paper but no other variation has been made in the undertaking given by the pool promoters. I do not consider it desirable to disclose figures for individual firms but no paper is licensed for football pool forecasting agencies. With regard to his last Question, I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply given to him on 18th February last.