asked the Minister of Food why S.R. & O., 1947, No. 755, being the ninth Order amending the Preserves Order, 1944, has not consolidated this series of Orders.
A consolidating Order which will take into account tie new season's fruit prices is already under consideration but the present amendment, made necessary by the recent increase in the price of manufacturing sugar, could not await the completion of the consolidating Order without causing loss to the traders concerned.
asked the Minister of Food why S.R. & O., 1947, No. 756, being the tenth Order amending the Food (Points Rationing) Order, 1946, has not consolidated this series of Orders.
The ninth amendment made on 27th March last gave a complete new schedule of points rationed foods and thus was, in effect, a consolidation of tie previous amendments. A consolidating Order for the new rationing year will, in accordance with the usual practice, be made in July.