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asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies (1) what conditions were agreed upon in October, 1946, when the anti-ecclesiastical laws in Cyprus were abrogated; and, in particular, whether there is any agreement preventing any of the acting bishops in Cyprus from becoming archbishop;
(2) what changes are contemplated in the status of the Church of Cyprus.The repeal in 1946 of the Cyprus Church Laws of 1937 was without conditions, and the Greek Orthodox community in Cyprus is entirely free to elect its Archbishop in accordance with its own usages. There is no agreement to which the Government is a party concerning the candidature of any individual. No action is contemplated on the part of the Government affecting the status of the Greek Orthodox Church in Cyprus Mr. Bramall: Could my right hon. Friend state whether that answer definitely means that the British Government will raise no objection to the election of any of the local candidates to this seat?