asked the Minister of Food (1) if he will give figures, on the same basis as those used in the Report on Food Consumption Levels in the U.S.A., Canada and the United Kingdom, showing the value in calories of the following food groups per day per head of the population during the year 1946 and, where comparable, during the 12 months to June, 1947: dairy products, meats, poultry, game and fish, sugars and syrups, fats and oils, eggs and egg products, potatoes, pulses and nuts, tomatoes and citrus fruit, other fruit, leafy, green and yellow vegetables, other vegetables, grain products and beverages:
(2) if he will give per capita statistics of consumption of shellfish and tinned fish per head of population during the years 1934–38, 1946, and during the 12 months to June, 1947.
(3) if he will give figures showing supplies of honey, glucose, imported jams and marmalade, entering human consumption during the years 1934–38, 1946 and during the 12 months to June, 1947, expressed in lbs. per head per year by product weight and also equivalent sugar content.
(4) if he will give figures showing the yearly per capita weights of liquid milk, cheese and condensed, dried and evaporated milk entering into human consumption in the years 1934–38, 1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1944, 1945, 1946 and the 12 months to June, 1947, expressed in equivalent milk solids, together with the total weight in equivalent milk solids to which they amount each year.
I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave on 4th June to his Questions on the same subject.