asked the Minister of Transport how many passenger ships and of what kinds are now in service between Great Britain and South Africa; how many people were awaiting passages either way, respectively, 12 months ago and now; at what rate this waiting list is being reduced; and when he expects to accommodate with passages those people now on the waiting list.
Eight passenger liners are in use on the South African service in addition to a number of cargo ships carrying a small number of passengers each. A further two passenger liners will complete reconversion for operation on this route before the end of the year. Figures are not available of the passengers waiting a year ago. The registrations for passages to South Africa today total 78,000 and the number is increasing by about 1,500 a month. Figures are not available of those awaiting homeward passage, but the position is somewhat easier than on the outward run. From now to the end of the year, some 21,500 outward passages will be provided, including 8,000 for emigrants, many of whom are included in the 78,000 registrations. Even with the return to commercial service of further ships previously used in the South African service, it must be some time before the waiting lists can be cleared.