Ordnance Factory, Radway Green (Output)
asked the Minister of Supply what civilian commodities are now being produced at Radway Green Royal Ordnance factory; what is the current monthly output; and how many men and women are engaged on the work.
The principal civilian commodities in production at this factory are oil engine components, cookers and brass strip. It is not the practice to give the distribution of employment and details of output at individual factories.
Will the Minister tell us when it is expected that the factory will be in full production?
It all depends on what my hon. Friend means by "full production."
Can the Minister say why the House is denied information on the points mentioned by the Minister in connection with the goods produced for this purpose?
It has not been the practice to give this information about individual factories.
Why not?
There are security reasons for the distribution of the labour force over the Royal Ordnance factories, which it would not be right to give.
Short Wave Wireless Transmitters
asked the Minister of Supply why short wave wireless sets are being destroyed at his Department's Ruddington depot.
I assume that my hon. Friend is referring to short wave wireless transmitters. It would be contrary to the public interest to sell them to private operators as it might lead to chaos in wireless communications. Some of them were previously destroyed, but they are now dismantled and sold when certain parts have been removed.
Is the right hon. Gentleman quite satisfied that it would not be worth while to set men to work dismantling these parts rather than smashing them up?
They are dismantling them and the parts are sold.
Low Flying Aircraft, Wainfleet
asked the Minister of Supply whether he is aware that aircraft are in the habit of flying at low levels over the Wainfleet district on Sundays, and that the noise of these aircraft is a source of annoyance to those attending Divine Service in the area; and what steps he proposes to take to abate this nuisance.
Instructions to avoid a repetition of this have now been issued.
Can the right hon. Gentleman say why his Department has become involved in this Question?
The flight was in connection with some work done for my Department.
Surplus Motor Cars (Disposal)
asked the Minister of Supply the number of motor cars, surplus to requirements, disposed of by him either to Government Departments or to Government-sponsored corporations', and how many of these motor cars were of 14h.p. and under.
Two hundred and ninety-one surplus motor cars were disposed of to Government Departments and 25 were sold to Government-sponsored corporations. Two hundred and forty-five were of 14h.p. or under.
Can the Minister say why these vehicles were disposed of to these corporations when there are disabled ex-Service men waiting for such vehicles?
The corporations needed the vehicles for their work.
Does not the Minister realise that many of these disabled men need these motor cars in order to get to their place of work and that they cannot get to their work without them?
Is the Minister aware that the Minister of Transport will not even accept names from 100 per cent. disabled men so that they can get reconditioned cars, and will he not review the matter?
I have reviewed this matter and I have decided that when cars are suitable for disabled ex-Service men they will be given to them.
Will the right hon. Gentleman say why these corporations should get preferential treatment in this matter when they get priority for new cars as well?
asked the Minister of Supply what arrangements he has made to supply reconditioned ex-Service motor cars to Government corporations; whether these vehicles would otherwise have been offered to the public by auction and whether inquiries are made as to the purpose for which these motor cars are to be used by the corporations.
Twenty-five cars, of which three were reconditioned, have been supplied from surplus Government stocks to the Airways corporations. My information is that these cars are being used for the corporations'- official business.
Is it not a fact that some of these cars are being used by the employees?
I understand that they are being used on official business only.
Public Health Service Vehicles
asked the Minister of Supply (1) if he is aware of the long delay being experienced by local authorities in the delivery of public service vehicles, especially cesspool emptiers; and if he will ensure priority for the production of- such vehicles;
(2) if he will make readily available to local authorities supplies of spare parts urgently required to maintain in service vehicles used in the interests of public health.Owing to very heavy demand, there is delay in the delivery of all vehicles, but there is no evidence to show that it is greater with these than with other types. There is no Government control either over the manufacture of complete vehicles or over the sale and distribution of spare parts and I do not think that there is a case for asking the industry to give them priority. If, however, my hon. Friend will let me have details of any particular case of difficulty, I will see if I can help.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that my main interest is in cesspool vehicles for the rural districts, and, therefore, if the Government can do anything to speed up these particular vehicles it will be very helpful in the interests of public health?
We are doing so.
Staff, Hans Mansions (Reductions)
asked the Minister of Supply what reductions have been made in the staff at Hans Mansions since 31st March, 1947.
The staff at Hans Mansions has been reduced by 14 since 31st March, 1947.
Is my right hon. Friend aware that there are some, even within the Department, who consider that there could be a reduction much more speedily without loss of efficiency, and is it intended to have the position specially examined?
The staff is being steadily reduced as the disposal work falls off.
But will the Minister have the position specially examined in view of the fact that this is the second occasion on which I have raised the issue with him?
Yes, Sir, I am quite willing to do that