Motion made, and Question put,
"That the Proceedings of the Committee of Ways and Means be exempted, at this day's
Division No. 267.]
| [3.37 p.m
Adams, Richard (Balham) | Guy, W. H. | Piratin, P. |
Adams, W. T. (Hammersmith, South) | Haire, John E. (Wycombe) | Porter, G. (Leeds) |
Attewell, H. C. | Hall, W. G. | Ranger, J. |
Austin, H. Lewis | Hamilton, Lieut.-Col. R. | Rees-Williams, D. R |
Ayrton Gould, Mrs. B | Hannan, W. (Maryhill) | Reeves, J. |
Barnes, Rt. Hon. A. J. | Hardy, E. A. | Reid T. (Swindon) |
Barton, C. | Harris, H. Wilson | Ridealgh, Mrs. M. |
Battley, J. R. | Harrison, J. | Robens, A, |
Bechervaise, A. E | Hestings, Dr. Somerville | Roberts, Emrys (Merioneth) |
Benson, G. | Henderson, Joseph (Ardwick) | Roberts, Goronwy (Caernarvonshire) |
Berry, H. | Herbison, Miss M. | Robertson, J. J. (Berwick) |
Beswick, F. | Hicks, G. | Rogers, G. H. R. |
Blackburn, A. R. | Hobson, C. R | Royle, C. |
Blyton, W. R. | Holman, P | Sargood, R |
Bottomley, A. G. | House, G | Scollan, T. |
Bowles, F. G. (Nuneaton) | Hoy, J. | Scott-Elliot, W. |
Braddock, Mrs. E. M. (L'pl. Exch'ge) | Hudson, J. H, (Ealing, W.) | Sharp, Granville |
Braddock, T. (Mitcham) | Hughes, Hector (Aberdeen, N.) | Shinwell, Rt. Hon. E. |
Bramall, E. A. | Hughes, H. D (Wolverhampton, W.) | Silverman, J. (Erdington) |
Brown, George (Belper) | Hynd, H. (Hackney, C.) | Skeffington, A. M |
Brown, T. J. (Ince) | Irving, W J | Skeffington-Lodge, T C |
Brown, W. J. (Rugby) | Janner, B. | Skinnard, F. W. |
Bruce, Major D. W. T. | Jay, D. P. T. | Smith, C (Colchester) |
Burden, T. W. | Jeger, G (Winchester) | Smith, H. N. (Nottingham, S.) |
Butler, H. W. (Hackney, S.) | Jeger, Dr. S. W (St. Pancras, S.E.) | Smith, S. H. (Hull S.W.) |
Byers, Frank | Jones, D T (Hartlepools) | Snow, Capt. J. W. |
Chamberlain, R. A | Jones, Elwyn (Plaistow) | Soskice, Mai. Sir F. |
Champion, A. J. | Keenan, W | Sparks, J A. |
Chater, D. | Kendall, W D | Stephen, C. |
Chetwynd, G. R | Kinley, J | Stewart, Michael (Fulham E.) |
Cluse, W. S. | Lavers, S. | Strauss, G R. (Lambeth, N) |
Cobb, F. A. | Leonar W | Stross, Dr. B |
Cocks, F. S. | Lewis, A W J. (Upton) | Stubbs, A. E. |
Collindridge, F | Lewis, J (Bolton) | Summerskill Dr Edit |
Colman, Miss G. M | Lipson, D L | Swingler, S. |
Comyns, Dr. L. | Lipton, Lt.-Col. M | Symonds, A. L, |
Cove, W. G. | Longden, F. | Taylor, H. B. (Mansfield) |
Daggar, G. | McAdam, W. | Taylor, R. J (Morpeth) |
Daines, P. | McEntee, V. La T | Taylor, Dr. S. (Barnat) |
Davies, Clement (Montgomery) | McGhee, H G | Thomas, D. E. (Aberdare) |
Davies, Edward (Burslem) | Mack, J. D. | Thomas, I.0. (Wrekin) |
Davies, Ernest (Enfield) | McKay, J (Wallsend) | Thorneycroft, Harry (Clayton) |
Davies, Harold (Leek) | Maclean, N (Govan) | T hurtle, Ernest |
Davies, Hayden (St. Pancras, S.W) | McLeavy, F | Tolley, L. |
Davies, R. J. (Westhoughten) | McNeil, Rt. Hon. H. | Usborne, Henry |
Deer, G. | Macpherson, T. (Romford) | Vernon, Maj. W.F |
de Freitas, Geoffrey | Mainwaring, W. H | Viant, S. P. |
Diamond, J. | Mallalieu, J. P. W. | Wadsworth, G |
Dodds, N. N. | Mathers, G | Wallace, G. D. (Chislehurst) |
Dugdale, J. (W. Bromwich) | Mayhew, C. P. | Wallace, H W. (Walthamstow, E.) |
Dumpleton, C. W. | Mellish, R. J. | Warbey, W. N. |
Dye, S. | Middleton, Mrs. L. | Weilzman, D. |
Edelman, M | Moody, A. S. | Wells, P. L. (Faversham) |
Edwards, W. J. (Whitechapel) | Morris, P (Swansea, W.) | Wells, W. T. (Walsall) |
Evans, E (Lowestoft) | Morris, Hopkin (Carmarthen) | Westwood, Rt. Hon. J |
Fernyhough, E. | Morrison, Rt. Hon. H (L'wish'm, E.) | Whiteley, Rt. Hon. W. |
Fletcher, E. G. M (Islington, E.) | Moyle, A. | Wigg, Col. G. E. |
Foot, M. M. | Neal, H. (Claycross) | Wilkes, L. |
Gaitskell, H. T. N. | Nichol, Mrs. M. E. (Bradford, N.) | Wilkins, W. A. |
Ganley, Mrs. C S | Nicholls, H. R. (Stratford) | Willey, F. T. (Sunderland) |
George, Lady M. Lloyd (Anglesey) | Noel-Baker, Capt. F E. (Brentford) | Williams, J. L. (Kelvingrove) |
Gibson, C W. | Noel-Buxton, Lady | Williams, W. R. (Heston) |
Wills, Mrs. E A | ||
Gilzean, A. | Oldfield, W. H. | Wilmot, Rt. Hon. J |
Glanville, J E. (Consett) | Oliver, G. H | Woods, G. S. |
Gooch, E. G. | Orbach, M. | Wyatt, W. |
Gordon-Walker, P. C. | Palmer, A. M F. | Yates, V. F. |
Greenwood, Rt. Hon. A. (Wakefield) | Parker, J. | Young, Sir R (Newton) |
Greenwood, A, W. J (Heywood) | Parkin, B. T | Younger, Hon. Kenneth |
Grenfell, D. R. | Paton, J (Norwich) | |
Griffiths, D. (Rother Valley) | Pearson, A. | TELLERS FOR THE AYES: |
Gunter, R. j | Peart, Thomas F | Mr. Simmons and |
Mr. Popplewell. |
Sitting, from the provisions of the Standing Order (Sittings of the House)."—[Mr. H. Morrison.]
The House divided: Ayes, 210; Noes, 87.
| ||
Amory, D. Heathcoat | Fyfe, Rt Hon. Sir D. P. M. | Morris-Jones, Sir H. |
Anderson, Rt. Hn. Sir J. (Scot Univ.) | Galbraith, Cmdr. T. D. | Morrison, Rt. Hon W. S (Cirencester) |
Astor, Hon. M. | Grant, Lady | Neven-Spcnce, Sir S |
Baldwin, A. E. | Gridley, Sir A. | Nicholson G |
Beechman, N. A. | Grirmston, R. V. | Noble, Comdr. A. H. P |
Birch, Nigel | Hannon, Sir P. (Moseley) | Pickthorn, K. |
Boles, Lt.-Col. D. C. (Wells, | Hare, Hon. J H. (Woodbridge) | Prescott, Stanley |
Boothby, R. | Harvey, Air-Comdre. A. V. | Raikes, H. V. |
Bossom, A. C. | Headlam, Lieut.-Col. Rt. Hon. Sir C | Ramsay, Maj. S. |
Bower, N. | Hinchingbrooke, Viscount | Rayner, Brig. R. |
Boyd-Carpenter, J. A. | Hogg, Hon. Q. | Reed, Sir S. (Aylesbury) |
Braithwaite Lt.-Comdr. J. G. | Holmes, Sir J. Stanley (Harwich) | Reid, Rt. Hon. J. S. C (Hillhead) |
Bromley-Davenport, Lt.-Col. W | Hope, Lord J. | Ross Sir R D (Londonderry) |
Buchan-Hepburn, P. G. T. | Hudson, Rt. Hon. R. S. (Southport) | Savory, Prof. D. L |
Bullock, Capt. M. | Hutchison, Lt.-Com Clark (E'b'gh, W) | Shepherd, W S. (Bucklow) |
Channon, H. | Keeling, E. H. | Spearman, A. C. M |
Clarke, Col. R. S. | Kerr, Sir J. Graham | Stanley, Rt. Hon O |
Clifton-Brown, Lt -Col. G | Lancaster, Col. C. G. | Stuart, Rt. Hon. J. (Moray) |
Conant, Maj. R. J. E. | Low, Brig A R. W. | Sutcliffe, H. |
Crosthwaite-Eyre, Col. O. E | Lucas-Tooth, Sir H. | Taylor, Vice-Adm. E. A. (P'dd't'n, S; |
Crowder, Capt, John E. | McCallum, Maj. D. | Thorp, Lt.-Col. R. A F |
Darling, Sir W. Y. | Macdonald, Sir P. (I. of Wight) | Touche, G. C. |
De la Bère, R. | McKie, J. H (Galloway) | Walker-Smith, D. |
Digby, S. W. | MacLeod, J. | Webbe, Sir H. (Abbey) |
Dodds-Parker, A. D | Macpherson, N. (Dumfries) | Wheatley, Colonel M J |
Duthie, W. S. | Marsden, Capt. A | Willoughby do Eresby, Lore |
Eden, Rt. Hon. A. | Marshall, D (Bodmin) | Winterton, Rt. Hon. Earl |
Elliot, Rt. Hon. Walter | Marshall, S. H. (Sutton) | |
Fraser, H. C. P. (Stone) | Meller, Sir J | TELLERS FOR THE NOES: |
Fraser, Sir I. (Lonsdale) | Moore, Lt Col Sir T. | Mr. Drewe and Mr. Studholme |