Repairs, Birmingham (Materials)
asked the Minister of Works if he is aware of the urgent need of roofing material for the repair of dwelling houses in Birmingham, now suffering injury to their existing structure and furniture and other internal contents; and if he will make arrangements to augment the present limited available supplies.
asked the Minister of Works if he is aware that the shortage of slates and other building materials is so acute in Birmingham that builders are experiencing difficulty in carrying out repairs to houses for which statutory orders have been issued by the medical officer of health; and, in view of the large numbers of houses with defective roofs, if he will review the present allocation of materials to enable essential repairs to be carried out.
I am not aware of any serious difficulty in meeting these needs, for which special provision has been made in the priority distribution scheme. If the hon. Member opposite would supply me with details of any case he has in mind I should be glad to inquire into it.
In view of the particularly sad circumstances in which many of these people live, would the Minister give special attention to fixing his priorities so that they are given preference over ordinary building?
Yes, Sir, and with the cooperation of the local authority who have the power of issuing these certificates we shall do that.
Is the Minister aware that according to the chief sanitary inspector in Birmingham builders are having to take slates from out-houses in order to repair roofs, and that the position is becoming almost intolerable and should be investigated?
There is a difficulty with regard to the supply of slates, but my regional officers will assist local authorities in this matter.
Can the Minister tell us off-hand of any case in which there is no difficulty of supply?
If the right hon. Gentleman will look around in his own constituency I think he will find an overwhelming number of cases.
Cement Supplies
asked the Minister of Works why the shortage of cement has now become acute; and what steps are proposed to increase supplies for building and repair of houses.
Cement production fell sharply because of the fuel shortage, and stocks throughout the country were reduced to an extremely low level. The rate of output now exceeds its former level but it will be some time before stocks are re-established. In the meantime, my regional officers are arranging for as much cement as possible to be supplied for housing.
Is the Minister aware that quite recently there was no cement available at all in some towns of North Wales, and could some be made available for essential repairs pending such time as output becomes sufficiently normal to meet other demands?
Yes, Sir, I am aware that there have been places in the country without any cement at all. We made efforts to supply them and those supplies were sent. At all times my regional officers are prepared to give what assistance they can.
Will the Minister look into the restrictive practices of the cement manufacturers in order to ensure that greater supplies are available?
Yes, Sir. I have been in consultation with the cement industry and I am perfectly satisfied that the amounts that are being produced will be equal to the needs if we are given the chance of another week.
Is the Minister aware that the increased allocation of fuel to the cement manufacturers is equivalent to only 85 per cent. of last year's production, and is it not possible to increase this allocation to a very great extent?
I do not accept the statement that the fuel allocation is equal to only 85 per cent. of last year's production. According to my information the amount of fuel that has now been allocated is sufficient to meet the needs at present.
Would the Minister discount the obvious delight of His Majesty's Opposition at these difficulties?
Did not the Minister say last week that the difficulties with regard to cement were due to the failure of distribution, and how does he reconcile last week's statement with this?
No, Sir, I did not make that statement last week. What I said was that the difficulty arose from shortage of supplies because of the fuel difficulty, which was added to by the difficulty of distribution because, of course, the pipelines were empty of the material. That is the problem that has to be solved now, and with the stocks increasing, the normal channels of supply will be able to meet the demand.
Is the Minister satisfied that contractors in a small way of business are receiving a fair allocation of the available supplies?
I am not saying that in some circumstances there are not difficulties with regard to small contractors but, as I have said, in every case which is brought to our notice, my regional officers will do everything they can to meet the need.
Does not the Minister realise that a most abnormal effort must be made with regard to cement, because it is the thing that holds, the houses together?
Yes, Sir, and my people, in co-operation with the industry, are making that abnormal effort.
Has the Minister checked up on the storage capacity of any factory to discover whether it is choked with cement that has not been distributed?
I think that my officers in the regions concerned would be able to discover that, and I have received no indication which would lead to that conclusion.
Is not the Minister aware that he gave me an assurance across the Floor of this House last week that cement would be available and supplies normal by the beginning of next month, and what does he mean now by saying "some time"?
Exactly what I said last time.
asked the Minister of Works whether he is aware of the present delay in delivering cement and plaster for completing the housing programme in Huntingdonshire; and whether he will take steps to expedite deliveries.
Yes, Sir. During the present temporary shortage of cement, demands cannot be met promptly, but my regional officers are prepared to give assistance in particularly urgent cases. The shortage of plaster is not acute, but similar assistance will be given wherever necessary.
Is the Minister aware that in the towns of Saltash and Liskeard, in my constituency, the housing programme has been held up for some time for lack of cement?
No, Sir, I am not aware of that, but I should not be surprised to hear it.
asked the Minister of Works on what basis supplies of cement available for general housing purposes are apportioned between the various local authority housing schemes in any particular locality.
Supplies are distributed as fairly as possible by the trade, and the assistance of my regional officers is available to any local authority which has difficulty in meeting urgent requirements.
asked the Minister of Works if he is aware that, owing to the priority laid down as to the use of cement, there is none available for houses; and, in view of the fact that the rebuilding of bombed houses at 142 to 152, Crescent Drive, Petts Wood, Kent, particulars of which have been sent him, is being held up for want of cement, if he will take steps to arrange for immediate deliveries to that site.
The shortage of cement follows the fuel difficulties. I am aware of the case mentioned and a small delivery has been made.
Is not the Minister aware that the reason for the shortage of cement everywhere is the same as for the shortage of potatoes—Government control? Does he not recall the saying of Kipling's about the good servant who became a bad master?
Yes, Sir, but when the servant is acting on behalf of a master—namely, the people of this country—who is at the present moment endorsing the action of his servant, I am perfectly satisfied so to act.
Is the Minister aware that I am building four agricultural cottages in South Devon and that the work has been held up for six weeks owing to the shortage? Will he make abnormal efforts to see that it is dealt with?
No, Sir, I was not aware of what the hon. and gallant Member has stated, and I do not see why I should make abnormal efforts in that particular instance. I will make every effort to see that the district generally gets the supplies that it is possible to deliver.
Prefabricated Bungalows, Kingsbridge
asked the Minister of Works whether he is aware of the numerous complaints which have been made by the occupants of the new prefabricated bungalows erected in the rural district of Kingsbridge, Devon, with regard to the inability to obtain any fencing material to make their gardens stockproof; and whether, in view of the urgent need for encouraging food production, he will arrange for the better distribution of fencing material.
Yes, Sir; my regional officer received a complaint in May, and the material has since been delivered. The supplies of fencing material available for temporary houses are distributed fairly and each site is dealt with, as nearly as possible, in its turn.
Sewage Disposal, Kingsbridge
asked the Minister of Works whether he is aware of the unsatisfactory position with regard to sewage disposal in the vicinity of new housing areas in the rural district of Kingsbridge, Devonshire; and when he anticipates it will be possible to take some action with regard to the complaints which have been passed to him in this connection
Yes, Sit; a meeting on the site With the council's officers to investigate the cause of the complaint is due to take place this week.
Prefabricated Houses (Lighting Plugs)
asked the Minister of Health what is the sum allowed for the provision of lighting plugs in the smallest type of permanent prefabricated houses; and whether this will provide the number of plugs recommended in the Housing Manual.
I have been asked to reply. In the priced bill agreed as the basis of contract, the figure is £27 6s. 3d. The answer to the second part of the Question is, "Yes, Sir."
Will the representative of the Minister of Health inform him that the majority of houses being built at the present time have not half the number which is recommended in the Housing Manual, and that it will be injurious to the sight of the people concerned? Cannot he have the recommendation properly carried out?
I will see that my right hon. Friend is notified of the hon. Member's allegation.