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Ministry Of Works

Volume 439: debated on Monday 23 June 1947

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Requisitioned Premises, Maidstone


asked the Minister of Works why 25, Gabriel's Hill, Maidstone, is not now being released, as shops are much needed in the town and he retains large premises but two or three minutes' walk away in Week Street.

These premises have been specially fitted for use by the Ministry of Food as a Food Advice Centre. The building in Week Street isthe local Food Office; it is not large enough to accommodate the Food Advice Centre as well.

Has not the time arrived when these food offices should be concentrated into one building so that local people may have their own shops again and so that the nation may be saved the cost of having to maintain three places to do one job?

Wherever possible we carry out that concentration, but in this case it is not possible.

Can the right hon. Gentleman say what special equipment is necessary to give advice about food?

Does not the Minister agree that the best food advice centre is a well-equipped and well-stocked grocer's shop?

Yes, Sir, and with due cooperation and without undue criticism we may obtain such grocers' shops.

Palace Of Westminster (Home Guard And Firewatchers' Equipment)


asked the Minister of Works whether the equipment provided for use of the Home Guard and firewatchers during the war in the Palace of Westminster has been disposed of, or how much has been retained; and for what purpose.

The equipment provided for the use of Home Guards in the Palace of Westminster has been sent to the Territorial Association. Firewatchers' equipment has been stored for re-issue for peace-time purposes, or returned to the appropriate Department for disposal.

Royal Parks (Litter)


asked the Minister of Works whether he has seen the litter of paper and food fragments in the Royal Parks on a fine summer day, which diminishes public enjoyment; how many prosecutions there have been on this account; and whether he will consider increasing the number of prosecutions in order to abate this nuisance.

I am only too well aware of the amount of litter desposited in the Royal Parks, which is a matter of great concern and expense to my Department. Only one successful prosecution has taken place during the past 12 months, when the offender was fined £2. I will not hesitate to prosecute in all cases where the necessary evidence is available.

The labour that is available can be turned to far more profitable uses than that suggested by the hon. Member of snooping upon individuals. I am hoping by other means to give some sort of education to the public in preserving the amenities of the Royal Parks.

How does it come about that food fragments are littered in our public parks when we are supposed to be starving?

Is the Minister in touch with the Minister of Education in order to educate school children to avoid these practices? Is not the right way of dealing with these matters not that of prosecution, but the training of the habits of the public?

I agree entirely with the hon. Member, that this is a matter of public education but, as an ex-schoolmaster, I am not at all convinced that the offenders are the children of our schools.

Requisitioned Single Properties (Release)


asked the Minister of Works whether any priority in derequisitioning is given to owners of single properties subject to requisition who require the properties for the purpose of their calling and where no suitable alternative accommodation is available.

While first priority is given generally to the release of accommodation such as flats and small houses which are urgently needed to meet a public need, efforts are made to meet individual cases of hardship by releasing single properties where possible.

If I give the Minister information about particular cases which deserve his sympathetic attention, will he give them that attention?

Building Repairs (Licences)


asked the Minister of Works whether, in granting licences for building repairs, consideration is given to the announcement made by representatives of the Ministry of Health to local authorities that the aim was an allocation of licences in the ratio, in terms of value, of 60/40 to the advantage of housing as against non-housing repairs.

House Of Commons (Division Lobbies, Lighting)


asked the Minister of Works whether he will introduce more natural and artificial light into the Division Lobbies of the House.

I hope by next autumn to have reglazed all Division Lobby windows with glass similar to that in this Chamber, but progress will depend on the rate at which the special glass can be obtained. I am not aware of any general demand for an improvement in the artificial lighting; the amount provided is greater than it was before the war.

Is the Minister aware that of all the Lobbies, the "Aye" Lobby is by far the gloomier and requires attention more urgently?

I quite understand the feeling the hon. Gentleman has on this matter. I dare say he has more often to go into the "Aye" Lobby in support of unnecessary Amendments than into the other Lobby.