asked the Chan cellor of the Exchequer how many persons have died after the age of entitlement to, but before completing the form of application for, payment of postwar credits, so preventing beneficiaries under the age of entitlement from receiving payment; what is the total sum involved; in how many of these cases is the widow of the deceased an unpaid beneficiary; and what is the total sum involved.
I regret that this information is not available.
Would not more liaison between the Registrar-General and the right hon. Gentleman's Department produce these figures, and would the right hon. Gentleman say whether consideration is being given to paying such people?
I am afraid it would mean a substantial increase in the Civil Service if we had to get all these details. Of course, we keep in touch with all other Departments, but this mass of detail is not available.
Will the right hon. Gentleman look at the whole question and see whether he cannot remedy this very great unfairness to old people? Just because a man does not happen to have signed a form, that is rather hard on the widow.
We will seek to remove any injustice, but I do not think that the picture is quite as black as it is painted.