asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty if he is aware of the hardship being caused to naval officers and ratings, now serving in Greece, due to the inadequacy of their allowances on account of the present rate of exchange between drachma and sterling; and what action he is taking to remedy this hardship.
Officers and men of the Royal Navy now serving in Greece are in the same position as members of the Army in this matter, and I would therefore refer the hon. Member to the reply given yesterday by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for War. The allowances for members of the Naval forces will be reviewed at the same time as those of the other Services.
But is the Parliamentary Secretary aware that this matter has been dragging on now for 18 months? Why cannot this be put right and a decision be given now? Is he further aware that this hardship is greatly increased by the quite inadequate stocks kept by N.A.A.F.I., and can he not do something in that direction to try to meet this hardship?
As regards the second part of the supplementary question, that seems to be another matter. As regards the first part, my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for War said yesterday that the allowance was reviewed recently. It has been reviewed from time to time and will be reviewed again.
But in view of the fact that the Secretary of State for War told us yesterday that this matter is being examined jointly by the Navy, Army and Air Force, will the Senior Service perform its proper function of taking the lead in this matter and see that review and discussion are translated into action and remedy?
They act in co-operation with the other Services. It is not a question of taking the lead; they all act together.
Will not my hon. Friend agree that the best way out of this dilemma is to bring all our officers and men back from Greece?
Can the Parliamentary Secretary inform the House whether action will be taken in regard to the review which is being undertaken by the Services in this matter, and will it not be a matter of ordinary procedure that the Services should take action in accordance with what is the currency in these nations and adjust the pay of the Services accordingly?
We are certainly anxious to take action as soon as the review can be completed, but I cannot promise when it will be. I hope it will be soon, because we are just as anxious as hon. Members are to see that these men are not put to any hardship at all.
Is it not a fact that the Treasury has already agreed to this increase for the staffs of the Embassy and the Economic Mission, and why should there be any delay with regard to the Services?
That seems to be quite another question.
It is not.
I have no doubt that it will be taken into account when we are discussing the matter with the Treasury.