asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty whether, having regard to the special circumstances surrounding the case, he will permit Anthony Gomez, 22, Boswell Quadrant, Edinburgh, to sit the Special Entry Cadetship Examination for the Royal Navy in September, 1947, although he will be three weeks over the age limit prescribed for the date of entry.
On the information have received, I regret that it is impossible to justify any exception being made in the case of Anthony Gomez. The hon. Member will appreciate that competition for Naval cadetships is keen, and in fairness to all candidates the Admiralty has to insist on strict observance of the rules on age limits. I might, however, add that Anthony Gomez is within the age limits for entry to the Electrical Branch of the Royal Navy and, provided he is suitably qualified in other ways, may apply for consideration for a cadetship in this branch.