asked the Minister of Agriculture, in view of the severe penalties incurred by failure to obey the order of his Department, how many regulations have been issued by his Department in each year since 1939; how many amendments to the original orders were issued in each of the same years; in what form such orders are brought to the notice of farmers, landowners, tenants and horticulturists; and whether the full text of any regulations is communicated to any individual farmers affected before action is taken.
It is not possible, without an unjustifiable expense of labour, to give the total number of orders or regulations of my Department made since 1939. With orders made under the Disease of Animals Acts it is obligatory on local authorities to bring them to the notice of all concerned. Particulars of other orders and regulations are circulated by the Ministery to the daily and weekly papers and to the agricultural and technical Press, with advice as to where copies can be obtained. When, in pursuance of an order, a direction is served on an individual to carry out any opera- tion, the purport of the order is communicated to him.