asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that, as a result of the derequisitioning of the Old Assembly Rooms, Newcastle-on-Tyne, the Salvation Army Red Shield Club for soldiers is threatened with having to close down within the next three weeks; that the average number of soldiers given sleeping accommodation at weekends is over 100; that no suitable alternative sleeping accommodation at a reasonable cost exists for Service men in the city; and, as the Salvation Army intends to spend some £7,000 on creating a suitable club with sleeping accommodation by the end of the year, if he will reconsider closing down this club and grant an extension of the use of the Old Assembly Rooms until December, 1947, when the new Salvation Army hostel will he ready.
In view of the shortage of places suitable for public gatherings in Newcastle my Department did not feel justified in continuing to hold the Old Assembly Rooms under requisition and has agreed to release them by the end of this month. There remains a leave hostel run by the Y.M.C.A. with 120 beds of which only 20–40 are normally occupied during the week. In these circumstances I do not consider than an extension of the requisition of the Assembly Rooms is necessary.