Production Figures
asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether it was upon his instructions that the East Midlands Divisional Coal Board have refused to give information to the Press as to coal production figures for the previous week.
I would refer the hon. Member to the answer which I gave on 12th June in reply to a similar question by the hon. and gallant Member for West Edinburgh (Lieut.-Commander Hutchison).
In view of the fact that the refusal of information referred to in my Question did not take effect until 13th June, can the right hon. Gentleman say how he answered it on 12th June?
Distribution, Eydon
asked the Minister of Fuel and Power when the hon. and learned Member for Daventry may expect a reply to his letter of 12th May with regard to complaints as to coal deliveries by inhabitants of Eydon.
I much regret the delay in replying to the hon. and learned Member's letters of 12th and 27th May about coal distribution in the village of Eydon. A reply was, however, sent on 1st July. The delay was primarily due to the fact that conflicting statements were made by the merchant and certain of his customers, and it was, therefore, necessary to have a thorough local investigation made, which inevitably took some time.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that, thanks to the Post Office, the reply was delivered to this House this morning; that the reply is extremely unsatisfactory; and will he not allow the villagers living in the pleasant village of Eydon to transfer their custom to another merchant, as a great number of them dispute receiving the coal shown in the merchant's record?
As regards the change of registration, that is another matter, and I will have to look into that if representations are made. I was not aware that the hon. and learned Member had received the letter only this morning, but I do not deny that there has been some delay in this matter. I have looked into it, and it rather seems as if there has been voluminous correspondence which may have led to delay. There have been other causes, but I have done my best in the matter
Would the right hon. Gentleman agree to these customers changing their registration? Then there would be less correspondence.
I could not agree to an overall change of registration, but I would, of course, consider specific cases.
Fuel Crisis Leaflet
asked the Minister of Fuel and Power how many copies of "Fuel Crisis and You" have been printed; and what is the basis of distribution.
Fourteen million two hundred and fifty thousand copies of this leaflet have been printed; distribution is on a household basis, delivery being made by the Post Office during the fortnight ending 5th July.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that in some houses, where there is only one inhabitant, no less than 15 or 20 of these pamphlets have been put through the letterbox?
No, I am not aware of that.
Does the Minister realise that the layout and general appearance of this particular pamphlet is about as unattractive and repulsive as it could possibly be?
No, I do not agree. If the hon. Member has views about what the layout should be, perhaps he would let me have them.
Is the Minister aware that this unattractive pamphlet is appropriate to an unattractive situation?
I should not imagine the noble Lord is a judge of anything that is attractive.
Usa Labour Legislation
asked the Minister of Labour whether he will bring to the attention of the International Labour Organisation the anti-trade union legislation which has been passed by the United States Legislature, which is in conflict with the principles of the international body.
No, Sir.
Does not the Minister think this is a suitable matter to raise with this organisation, in view of the fact that it has in it trade union organisations of one of the greatest Powers in the world?
I think it would be most unsuitable, and would be regarded by the great trade union movement of the country to which the hon. Member referred as "one of the greatest Powers in the world," as a usurpation of their functions.