asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that the Import of New Carrots (with Foliage attached) Order has caused inconvenience; whether he has decided to adhere to the instructions that the length of foliage attached to new carrots may not be more than five inches, 12.5 cms., nor less than three inches, 7·5 cms.; and if he is prepared to receive representations from the public and the trade.
I have been asked to reply. The arrangement applied to this season's carrots only and terminated on 31st May.
Can the right hon. Gentleman say if the same termination applies to the other seven Orders on carrots, which I hold in my hand, or only to this particular Order?
I cannot answer that question without notice.
There are only 11 Orders in all, and I am holding seven of them.
The non. Gentleman says that he is holding seven Orders in his hand, but I do not know to what the Orders relate.
The Orders are—
The hon. Gentleman must know that the right hon Gentleman can only answer a question.
Can I see the Minister privately?
The hon. Gentleman is quite entitled to transmit documents to a Minister privately.