asked the Postmaster-General when he expects that new plates showing the revised timing of postal collections will be affixed to pillar boxes in Berkshire.
I am sorry that because of the sudden abnormal demand resulting from the recent changes in postal services, it has not yet been possible to provide new plates for pillar boxes in Berkshire, but I am assured that the revised timings of the postal collections should now be shown by means of temporary plates in all cases. New permanent plates will be provided as soon as possible.
asked the Postmaster General whether he has made any further arrangements for the collection and delivery of letters posted at the House of Commons late at night.
A collection is now being made at 7.45–8.o p.m. for first delivery on the following weekday throughout England and Wales. A supplementary collection is made after the rising of the House. On those occasions when the House is still sitting at 1.0 a.m. an additional supplementary collection is made at that hour. Letters for addresses in London, and posted in time for supplementary collections made up to 1.0 a.m. are due to be delivered by first post.
Will the Postmaster-General say whether there is any objection to members of the public with urgent letters to post, which will not be collected from the letter boxes outside after 6.30 p.m. bringing them into the Outer Lobby and posting them there?
I am not sure about that.
What is the latest time at which letters should be posted at the House for Scotland for arrival in Scotland by the first mail in the morning?
Seven forty-five or eight o'clock.