asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs why Mr. Paul Bruggemann, Hamburg-Harburg, Stormstrasse 15, British Zone, Germany, with a Swedish wife and family resident in Sweden, who went to Hamburg to visit his sick mother in the autumn of 1946, is still refused the right to return to Sweden, in spite of his anti-Nazi record, the distress of his wife and family and the Government's promise early in May to treat his request as a matter of prime urgency.
Mr. Bruggemann has made no application to the British authorities in Germany for permission to return to Sweden permanently. He has, however, made two applications to visit Sweden, both of which had to be refused because the grounds stated did not come within the approved categories of travel out of Germany.
If I give my right hon. Friend a copy of a letter from Mr. Bruggemann stating that he does wish to return to Sweden permanently, will he look into the matter again?