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Isle Of Man (Customs) Bill

Volume 440: debated on Wednesday 23 July 1947

The text on this page has been created from Hansard archive content, it may contain typographical errors.

"to amend the law with respect to customs in the Isle of Man," presented by Mr. Glenvil Hall; to be read a Second time upon Monday next and to be printed. [Bill 103.]

Division No. 318.]


[3.43 p.m.

Adams, Richard (Balham)Evans, John (Ogmore)Lewis, A. W. J. (Upton)
Allen, A. C. (Bosworth)Evans, S. N. (Wednesbury)Lindsay, K. M. (Comb'd Eng. Univ.)
Alpass, J, H.Ewart, R.Lipson, D. L.
Anderson, F. (Whitehaven)Farthing, W. J.Lipton, Lt.-Col. M.
Attewell, H. C.Fernyhough, E.Logan, D. G.
Austin, H. LewisField, Capt. W. J.Longden, F.
Awbery, S. S.Fletcher, E. G. M. (Islington, E.)Lyne, A. W.
Ayles, W. H.Foot, M. M.McAdam, W.
Ayrton Gould, Mrs. B.Forman, J. C.McEntee, V. La T.
Balfour, A.Foster, W. (Wigan)McGhee, H. G.
Barnes, Rt. Hon. A. J.Freeman, Peter (Newport)McGovern, J.
Barstow, P. G.Ganley, Mrs. C. S.Mack, J. D.
Barton, C.George, Lady M. Lloyd (Anglesey)McKay, J. (Wallsend)
Battley, J. R.Gibbins, J.Mackay, R. W. G. (Hull, N. W.)
Bechervaise, A. E.Gibson, C. W.McKinlay, A. S.
Benson, G.Gilzean, A.Maclean, N. (Govan)
Beswick, F.Glanville, J. E. (Consett)McLeavy, F.
Bing, G. H C.Gooch, E. G.MacMillan, M. K. (Western Isles)
Binns, J.Gordon-Walker, P. C.Mainwaring, W. H.
Blackburn, A. R.Greenwood, Rt. Hon. A. (Wakefield)Mallalieu, J. P. W.
Blyton, W. R.Greenwood, A. W. J. (Heywood)Mann, Mrs. J.
Bowden, Flg.-Offr. H. W.Grenfell, D. R.Manning, C. (Camberwell, N.)
Bowles, F. G. (Nuneaton)Grey, C. F.Manning, Mrs. L. (Epping)
Braddock, Mrs. E. M. (L pl, Exch'ge)Grierson, E.Marquand, H. A.
Braddock, T. (Mitcham)Griffiths, D. (Rother Valley)Marshall, F. (Brightside)
Bramall, E. A.Griffiths, W. D. (Moss Side)Mathers, G.
Brook, D. (Halifax)Gruffydd, Prof. W. J.Mayhew, C. P.
Brooks, T. J. (Rothwell)Guest, Dr. L. HadenMedland, H. M.
Brown, George (Belper)Gunter, R. J.Mikardo, Ian
Brown, T. J. (Ince)Guy, W. H.Millington, Wing-Comdr E. R.
Buchanan, G.Hale, LeslieMonslow, W.
Burden, T. W.Hall, W. G.Moody, A. S.
Burke, W. A.Hamilton, Lieut.-Col. R.Morris, P. (Swansea, W.)
Byers, FrankHannan, W. (Maryhill)Morris, Hopkin (Carmarthen)
Callaghan, JamesHardman, D. R.Morrison, Rt. Hon. H. (Lewisham, E.)
Carmichael, JamesHardy, E. A.Moyle, A.
Chamberlain, R. AHarrison, J.Murray, J. D.
Champion, A. J.Haworth, J.Nally, W.
Chater, D.Henderson, A (Kingswinford)Naylor, T. E.
Chetwynd, G. R.Henderson, Joseph (Ardwiok)Neal, H. (Claycross)
Cluse, W. S.Herbison, Miss M.Niohol, Mrs. M E. (Bradford, N.)
Cocks, F. S.Hewitson, Capt. M.Nicholls, H. R. (Stratford)
Coldrick, W.Holman, P.Noel-Buxton, Lady
Collins, V. J.Holmes, H. E. (Hemsworth)Oldfield, W. H.
Colman, Miss G. M.House, G.Orbach, M.
Comyns, Dr. L.Hudson, J. H. (Ealing, W.)Parkin, B. T.
Cooper, Wing-Comdr G.Hughes, H. D. (Wolverhampton, W.)Paton, J. (Norwich)
Cove, W. G.Hutchinson, H. L. (Rusholme)Pearson, A.
Daggar, G.Hynd, H. (Hackney, C.)Peart, T. F.
Daines, P.Irving, W. J.Piratin, P.
Davies, Clement (Montgomery)Janner, B.
Davies, Edward (Burslem)Jay, D. P. T.Poole, Major Cecil (Lichfield)
Davies, Ernest (Enfield)Jeger, G. (Winchester)Porter, E. (Warrington)
Davies, Harold (Look)Jones, D. T. (Hartlepools)Porter, G. (Leeds)
Davies, Hadyn (St. Pancras, S. W.)Jones, Elwyn (Plaistow)Price, M. Philips
Davies, R. J. (Westhoughton)Keenan, W.Pritt, D. N.
Deer, G.Kenyon, C.Proctor, W. T.
de Freitas, GeoffreyKing, E. M.Pryde, D. J.
Delargy, H. J.Kinley, J.Randall, H. E
Dobbie, W.Kirby, B. VRanger, J
Dodds, N. N.Kirkwood, DRankin, J
Driberg, T. E. N.Lang, G.Rees-Williams, D. R
Dugdale, J. (W. Bromwich)Lavers, S.Reeves, J.
Durbin, E. F. M.Lee, F. (Hulme)Reid, T. (Swindon)
Dye, S.Lee, Miss J. (Cannock)Rhodes, H.
Edelman, M.Leonard, W.Richards, R.
Edwards, A. (Middlesbrough, E.)Leslie, J. R.Ridealgh, Mrs. M.
Edwards, Rt. Hon. Sir C. (Bedwellty)Lever, N. H.Robens, A.
Edwards, W. J. (Whitechapel)Levy, B. W.Roberts, Emrys (Merioneth)