asked the Minister of Defence what will be the numbers of men and women in the Services at 31st December, 1947, on the completion of the provisional release programme to that date, given the continuation of the present rate of call-up and voluntary recruitment.
I have been asked to reply. It is estimated that the numbers of men and women in the Services at 31st December, 1947, will amount approximately to 1,150,000 but, as my hon. Friend is aware, the general question of the strength of the Armed Forces in the remainder of the financial year is still under consideration.
asked the Minister of Defence if he will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statistical analysis of the strength of, the three Services on 30th June, 1947, or, at the latest date for which figures are available, stating the numbers of officers and men in each Service who are on Regular engagements and the numbers of men in each Service who have enlisted
—— | R.N. and R.M. | Army. | R.A.F. | All Services | |
(1) | Strength: Male all ranks | 180,700 | 773,600 | 284,500 | 1,238,800 |
(2) | Women's Services | 7,400 | 32,600 | 22,500 | 62,500 |
(3) | Total | 188,100 | 806,200 | 307,000 | 1,301,300 |
(4) | Male Officers (normal or short service Commissions) | 14,570 | 23,030 | 9,680 | 47,280 |
(5) | Male other ranks on regular engagements | 92,520 | 123,400 | 76,960 | 292,880 |
Male regular strength | 107,090 | 146,430 | 86,640 | 340,160 |