asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what date has now been fixed by which capital goods for reparations from Germany must be specified, in place of 15th February, 1946, fixed at Potsdam.
None, Sir.
Is my right hon. Friend aware that the Potsdam Declaration made it quite clear that goods for capital reparation should be fixed by 15th February, 1946, and now more than a year has passed and there is no definition yet? When is a decision going to be taken?
I have made it clear, and if my hon. Friend had been in his place during the Debate on Monday, he would have heard the whole of the facts in relation to this, but I am afraid I cannot give another detailed answer today.
Is it true that this taking away of capital goods for reparations is still going on? That question was not answered.
I made it perfectly clear on Monday that capital goods were being dismantled and removed from Germany by June, 1948, but, owing to the new level of industry, Categories 2, 3 and 4 were being revised.
The goods I am referring to were goods which were not being destroyed because they were war potential, but capital goods sent away for reparations?
I made it clear that there were two categories. One was war potential, and the second was reparations under Categories 2, 3 and 4, surplus to the requirements of Germany, and if the right hon. Member for Bromley (Mr. H. Macmillan) will read the speech in HANSARD he will see that I was perfectly clear.