asked the hon. Member for West Walthamstow, as Chairman of the Kitchen Committee, whether his attention had been drawn to "Food Facts No. 451," issued by the Ministry of Food, and if he will apply the advice there given in the canteens and dining rooms in order to reduce loss.
Yes, Sir. I know "Food Facts No. 451." It is headed "Hot filling meals for meatless days," and it gives five recipes, the first of which is described as "Mum's Special." Dishes of a similar kind to those on the leaflet do appear on the menus of the House. If Members express a desire to have meatless days, the Committee will give the matter careful consideration, but I cannot see how their adoption can reduce the loss.
Is the hon. Member aware that I am glad to see he is taking some advice from outside his own Department at last?
Can the hon. Member say how many "Mums" there are on the Kitchen Committee at the moment?
If any hon. Member wants a "Mum's Special," we will do our best to have one prepared for him.