asked the Minister of Supply whether, in view of difficulties now being experienced by the motor industry as a result of certain foreign countries restricting, for currency reasons, the import of motor cars, he will temporarily reduce the export quota and allow orders for the home market to be fulfilled, thus enabling full employment to be maintained in the industry.
This matter is being considered in the light of representation made to me by the National Advisory Council for the motor manufacturing industry.
In the course of the discussions, will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that unless the flow of production is maintained the cost of cars will rise, and damage will be done to the industry both in the home and export markets?
Surely in view of the circumstances of the motor car industry at the moment, and the restrictions imposed upon it in foreign markets, the Minister will give a slightly greater release of cars to the home market at the present time?
I appreciate the points which have been put to me, but we have to be careful how much of our export production is devoted to home purposes instead of being sent abroad.
Will my right hon. Friend be prepared to extend his investigation beyond the scope of the motor car industry, as this is a problem which is beginning to affect other branches of light engineering?