asked the Minister of Pensions why there has been a delay of four months in considering the claim to a higher pension of Mr. F. H. Dix, 18 Reva Road, Stafford, about whom the hon. Member for Stafford wrote to his Department on 7th April; and when a decision may be expected.
As I have explained in the letter I am sending to the hon. Member, some unavoidable delay occurred in obtaining the necessary medical evidence. But I am glad to say that Mr. Dix's claim has now been accepted, and his pension will be increased from the 20 per cent. to the 50 per cent. rate. The increase will date back to the date of his claim in December last.
While thanking the Minister for that reply and for the action he has taken, may I ask if he is aware that the medical examination in connection with this claim took place in January, and that Mr. Dix went to Birmingham twice in January for medical examination, and that, therefore, the delay which has taken place since January hardly seems to be justifiable?
These cases are given the most careful consideration. As there is a favourable outcome of this case, I think the delay was justifiable. The hon. Gentleman will have an explanation in the letter which I am sending him, but which I do not think it is fair to give to the House, for certain reasons.