asked the Minister of National Insurance (1) if he is satisfied that in the change-over to the new insurance scheme last July none of the cards containing records of contributions for the year prior to July, 1948, were lost; and if he will ensure that people are given the benefit of the doubt in any case which may arise when pension applications are eventually made to his Department;(2) whether, in view of the importance of the matter to people over 50 years of age, he will ensure that all the cards of such people, representing contributions for the year preceding 5th July, 1948, have been received by his Department; and whether, in those cases where cards cannot be traced, the persons concerned will be so informed in order that they may prove that contributions have been made.
Of the cards issued for the year ending July, 1948, about 21 million have been duly accounted for, but I cannot guarantee that none have been mislaid. Anyone whose record for that year appears to be deficient (including those whose cards seem to be missing) will receive a notice stating the amount of the deficiency and will have the opportunity of submitting alternative evidence of payment of contributions.