asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he has any report to make of progress by the police in tracing the assailants of the two Dalston boys on 30th April; and if he will make a statement.
My right hon. Friend is informed that every possible inquiry is being made by the police, but so far it has not been possible to identify the assailants.
In view of the anxiety in the neighbourhood about this matter, is the Under-Secretary in a position to give some details to the House about the steps the police have taken, without of course divulging anything which may be of value to the suspects, and can he say whether a certain public house, of which I think he has been informed, is under scrutiny by the police?
I think it would be very undesirable for me to go into details of what the police are or are not doing in a matter of this kind. I can only repeat that my right hon. Friend is satisfied that every possible step is being taken by the police.
Can my hon. Friend say whether the car used by the assailants, the number of which was supplied to the police, has been traced, and if not why not?
I do not think it is advisable I should go into details of what the police have or have not so far managed to elucidate.