asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what representations have been received from the Chairman of the Council of the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation expressing the view that Great Britain was not carrying out any of the undertakings on financial and monetary stabilisation to which the country has been pledged, consequent on the adherence by His Majesty's Government to the Marshall Plan; and what replies have been made.
None, Sir.
is it not the duty of the Chairman of the Council of O.E.E.C., under proposal 1 of the principles and proposals of the plan of action, 1949–50, adopted by the council of O.E.E.C. in March, 1949, Annex C, to receive my right hon. Friend's report and then to discuss it with him; and is his failure to bring forward proposals for this discussion due to the fact that the Americans are apprehensive that we are in such a fix that Mr. Snyder himself is coming to this country to engage in this discussion?
No, Sir.